11,000 liquor bottles seized while being smuggled to Bihar | Lucknow News

11,000 liquor bottles seized while being smuggled to Bihar | Lucknow News

LUCKNOW: Police seized as many as 11,688 liquor bottles being transported to Bihar in the intervening night of Saturday and Sunday and arrested one Rajesh Rathor of Mainpuri district in this connection.
The city cops also seized the container, in which the illicit liquor was being smuggled to the dry state.
DCP, North Zone, Qasim Abidi said, “Rajesh confessed to his crime and disclosed that he had changed the registration number plate of the truck to avoid checking.”
Acting on a tip-off about the container carrying liquor manufactured in Haryana, the cops swung into action and nabbed the miscreant, he added.
“A team laid a trap and stopped the container when it reached the checkpoint. At first, Rajesh said that he was carrying medicines but later confessed to the crime,” the DCP said, adding that the cops recovered four registration number plates, Rs 3,600 cash and a mobile phone from the accused, who was booked under Excise Act.

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