Naresh Babu announced that he will get married for the fourth time to Pavithra Lokesh. Ever since then, his estranged wife Ramya Raghupathi has made several allegations against him. Now, Naresh Babu has turned the tables as he made serious accusations against her and asked the court for protection.
Naresh recently spoke to the media and stated that Ramya Raghupathi had tried to have him killed and threatened for an amount of Rs 10 Crore. “In 2022, a few supari killer gangs have conducted a recce to kill me. I have appealed to the court about the life threat I have. I am harassed by her and my phone was also tapped. I lodged a cyber complaint on her.”
Ramya Raghupathi’s accusations on Naresh
Ramya Raghupathi had earlier stated that during their marital phase, Naresh Babu had many affairs. She said, “He had affairs, and every time I confronted him, he used to touch my feet and apologize. My mother-in-law, the late Vijaya Nirmala knew of this, and she warned Naresh multiple times. She even threatened to have him removed from the right to her property.”
After Naresh Babu announced a wedding with Pavithra Lokesh, Ramya said she will never allow this marriage to happen. She has said she doesn’t want to divorce and will never give it to Naresh. “I clearly mentioned to Naresh that if we both are going to marry, there wouldn’t be any divorce as it is a third marriage for him. I want a good future for my child and don’t want a divorce to take place.”
Naresh and Pavitra Lokesh to marry
Naresh and Pavitra Lokesh announced their marriage with a romantic video. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year, Naresh-Pavitra Lokesh confirmed that they are getting married. The video shows a romantic set-up, cake and them kissing each other on the lips towards the end. “New Year New Beginnings Need all your blessings From us to all of you #HappyNewYear,” Naresh captioned the video shared on his Twitter page.
For the unversed, Naresh Babu has married three times and due to irreconcilable issues with each one of his ex-wives, he parted ways with all of them. Although Naresh and Ramya’s divorce has not been granted, he has been in a relationship with Lokesh Pavithra for four years. In fact, it is reportedly also said that the duo has been living together too.
Pavithra Lokesh was also spotted at Ghattamaneni get-togethers and others. She recently was also there with Naresh at Krishna and Devi’s funeral.